Saturday, April 21, 2007

Si labu d pumpkin yg cute n jarum emas
Thanks to adik manis anak angkat gajahku...for the fantabulous pumpkin pincussion. Thanks Dania..jarum sayang nak guna..ha ha ha..but one fine day...I must stitch using this gold needle..I am waiting for the right time. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to everybody...

Pendibulle Exchange 2007-Yahoo Groups

Another successful exchange project from my cyber friends. They r lovely right? Congratulations again to the participants..We r more than cyber friends right? Keep on stitching..biarlah banyak WIPs..biarlah lambat..asalkan siap..ha ha ha

Pendibulle n cube from my partner...Anasue. Ohhh dear...I love it!!! Thanks a lot Anasue :-)

Pendibulle for Sis Index. Ikhlas from me. Kembang hatiku sekembang pendibulle itu..ha ha ha. Pattern from Sue Whiting-Flower Book-Oriental Design-Cherry Blossom

Biscornu Exchange 2007-SKAC Forum Cari

There was a time..during zaman kegemilangan berforum. Completed Biscornu from all the participants. Congratulations to everybody. Keep up the good spirits!!!

My first biscornu for my sifu Kak Salmi a.k.a Ibu Sara. Glad she like it very much ;-)
I received these beautiful biscornu n scissor fob from my partner Jelly a.k.a Maz. What a lovely gifts..Thanks again Jelly.