Lets sing a beautiful song about flower. I learned this song in my music class when I was in MGSKL in 1987

" Biarkan bunga berkembang
Di atas tangkainya
Janganlah dipetik sayang
Nantikan merana
Bunga berkembang di dalam hati
Tak mungkin lagi aku menghindari
Kasih dan sayang telah bersemi
Diriku seakan bermimpi
Sengaja aku nyanyikan
Lagu yang syahdu
Selalu aku kenangkan...Wajahmu yang ayu "
WELCOME to "Flowers in My Garden. Dedicated to all those who love flower gardening. Actually I'm a very lazy gardener, but I do love flowers very much. Flowers bring me a lot of joy especially on my hectic n exhausting day.
Common Name: African Blood Lily/Blood Lily Botanical Name: Scadoxus khatarinae Family: Amaryllidaceae
Source: www.floridagardener.com/pom/Scadoxus.htm
Lets start with this weird flower. Favourite of mine..I always call it 'alien', but actually this is from lily's family. Very easy to grow but the flower blooms for few days only.

This is very common species here in Malaysia. Lidah Jin :-) But to my surprise..it has flowers too. Riuh sekampung taww when I saw it bloomed beautifully...goshhhhhh

Rain Lily or Wind Flower or Zephyrantes Candida

Congratulation...Puan Manik ...
Looking forward to the isi2 later..ekekeke
Kak Ain.. Congrats.. Me oso looking forward to the isi2.. Ha.. Ha..
lidah jin bebunge? kira ong la.. the other day pokok pandan seraya kak pah keluar bunge scented lagi... showed 2 mum and mother inlaw, dua2 tak caya (sah sah they saw it with their own eyes)comment: sepanjang hidup aku tak pernah pokok ni bebunge!!!(read with pahang accent)LOL! ;)
kak pah
biar betui pokok pandan ada bunga. mesti lagi wangi dr daunnya. camne rupa bunga pandan seraya ni..
Cantikkkknya your mom's flowers. I wish I have green fingers like her..
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